We conduct forensic interviews for the Los Angeles County Dependency Courts in cases of suspected child sexual abuse. 

DCFS workers who have received a court order to facilitate an interview with our lab can call or email us to schedule an interview. 

We conduct a bi-weekly case review in which we peer review one of our forensic interviews.

The reviews include refresher training on the Ten-Step forensic interviewing approach and tips on recurrent issues.  Practitioners who work on child sexual abuse cases can register to be on the mailing list by emailing us. 

Professor Lyon regularly conducts trainings for forensic interviewers.

He speaks every year at the San Diego International Conference on Child Maltreatment. Practitioners in the Los Angeles area are invited to sit in on his Child Interviewing Seminar, which is offered during the school year at USC Gould School of Law. If you are interested, send us email. 

We use the Ten-Step Investigative Interview Protocol.

More information about the approach can be found in Professor Lyon’s review paper in the Annual Review of Law and Social Science.